Demo list

A number of demos have been created to help you exploit the accelerated tSNE and HSNE offered by this package. The demos are available in a single file (see demos + data).




Basic HSNE demo (see demos + data)

A limited demo showing HSNE visual
analytics on the mnist data set

Extended HSNE demo (see demos + data)

A complete demonstration including
three different datatypes:
* Image is datapoint (MNIST)
* Pixel is data point (Hyperspectral solar images)
* Multi-dimensional plus meta data (Genetic data)

HSNE Louvain Demo (see demos + data)

Louvain clustering applied to
levels in the HSNE hierarchy

TextureTsne (see demos + data)

GPU accelerated t-SNE
on 70000 MNIST points

TextureTsneExtended (see demos + data)

GPU accelerated t-SNE
on 70000 MNIST points
with intermediate results

DocTest (see demos + data)

Run the internal doctest examples in nptsne
Can be used for install verification
Jupyter notebook for GPU accelerated tSNE
A Jupyter notebook demonstration
of the tSNE API.
Illustrates the following options:
* a plain tSNE
* a pre-loaded embedding
* controlling the iteration when the
exaggeration factor is removed.